About Me

Name: Amy Huang
City: Brooklyn, NY USA
Occupation: Full-time student
Major: Biology with a pre-medical concentration
Where: Columbia University
Interests: watercolor and acrylic painting, poetry, hiking, reading sappy novels about animals, raising hamsters, guinea pigs, and koi, visiting family from time to time, volunteering at hospitals and charity events, playing with kids and pets, going to the library and borrowing a ton of books I probably would not finish
Academic interests: public health and clinical research with a focus on health education, cardiology, and neurology
Miscellaneous: I'm a mosquito magnet, I have a fear of roaches, but do not mind eating water beetles and silkworms (see blog post on Guangzhou), I'm superstitious like my dad, I grew up with Marvel and DC superheroes rather than Barbies, I'm into Mongolian and Tibetan jewelry and music, I'm a Mahayana Buddhist, I love autumn, I love my family and friends


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